Translate Segments

When you convert a file to a translatable TXLF format, all complete sentences become separate segments, often divided by formatting or punctuation. Segments may be sentences, words, or numbers, depending on the formatting of the source file. After you save the segment translations, the application commits the segment translations to the translation memory (TM). Leveraging the TM automatically and consistently reduces the time and expense of future translations by translating reoccurring words and phrases.

  Best Practice:

To facilitate rapid use of language-specific quotation marks, punctuation, and white space, select Enable Smart Quotes in Preferences > General Preferences > Segment.

You can choose from two layout views for your TXLF Editor workspace.

You can select either layout view by clicking the drop-down list for the Switch Editor Layout action on the File tab.


If there are either split or merged segments, indicated in the Status column with or , all split or merged rows within the spanned row have the same ID column color.