Creating or opening a translation memory

Translation memory (TM) is designed to provide maximum content re-use and facilitate collaboration between globally distributed localization resources. Translators can leverage reusable content in two ways:

Find below the procedures for the following tasks:

Selecting translation memory settings

To select translation memory settings:

  1. Open Wordfast Pro and click .
    The TXML perspective appears.

  2. Follow steps 1 to 6 from Creating a project
    Click Translation Memory > New/Select TM.
    The Preferences (Filtered) dialog box appears.

  3. In the left pane, click Translation Memory.
    The Translation Memory dialog box appears.


  4. Select Copy source on no match in editor checkbox to copy the source to the target segment if there is no match when the TM is leveraged.

  5. Enter the Fuzzy Match Threshold in (%).
    : This value signifies the TM leverage percentage limit for a fuzzy match. For example, if you enter a value of 75%, the tool will mark all the translations which are leveraged below 75% match as a 'No match' segment.

  6. Select Calculate Internal fuzzy matches checkbox, to calculate internal fuzzy matches in source files. For example, if there is a partial repetition of segments in a source file, it will be calculated as an internal fuzzy match.

  7. Select the percentage that should be calculated for such segments.

  8. Select Include Internal Fuzzy matches as TM Matches checkbox, to include internal repetitions as a TM match.

  9. Select Calculate analysis report percentage by options: Segment or Words. The TM analysis report will display either % Segments or % Words based on this selection as shown in the screenshots below. Refer to Analyzing files.

  10. Select a condition to be followed when editing an existing Translation Unit. The options are as follows:



    Add to TM by overwriting the existing TU (default)

    overwrite the existing translation unit. This option is selected by default.

    Add TM; overwrite existing TU if attributes are identical

    overwrite the existing translation unit only if custom attributes for new and existing TU are identical.

    Add to TM: do not overwrite existing TU

    add to translation memory and not overwrite existing TU

    Do not add to TM

    not update the TM.

  11. Select checkbox to write unedited fuzzy and exact segments to a TM.
    : This option creates a local TM that can be used on your desktop for local concordance searching. In this local TM, Machine Translated and fuzzy matches appear as 100% matches. Therefore, it is suggested that a new local TM is created for this purpose.

  12. Select checkbox to perform TM lookup automatically when navigating from one segment to the other.
    : Automatic TM lookup may affect system performance.

  13. Select Use Replaceables for higher TM matches checkbox to replace the following to get higher TM matches:



    Number replacement

    consider all numbers appearing in the source as a 100% match. All decimals and mathematical notifications are considered numbers. Alphanumeric values are not considered numbers. For example, 562HH

    URL replacement

    consider all URLs appearing in the source as a 100% match.

    Punctuation replacement

    consider all punctuation appearing in the source as a 100% match.

    Email address

    consider all email addresses appearing in the source as a 100% match.

  14. Click OK.
    The translation memory properties for the project are set up.

Creating a local TM

To create a local TM:

  1. Follow steps 1 to 2 from section Selecting translation memory settings.

  2. In the left pane, select Translation Memory > TM List.
    The Translation Memory - TM List dialog box appears.


  3. Click Create TM.
    The Create Local TM dialog box appears.


  4. Enter or browse the location for the local TM.

  5. Enter a file name for the new local TM and click Save.

  6. Enter a Symbolic name for the Local TM.
    : Ensure that the name is unique and easily recognizable. If a unique name is not given, an error message appears at the bottom of the dialog box.

  7. Select Source and Target Locale.
    : The default source and target languages are the same as the currently open project. Ensure that the selected TM and project have the same language pair assigned. If either of them is incorrect, the TM will not be leveraged in the project.

  8. Click OK.
    The newly created local TM name appears in the TM List and the properties appear at the bottom of the dialog box.


  9. Select the Active check box to use the newly created local TM during translation.

  10. Select Read-Only check box if you do not want to update the local TM. (Optional)

  11. Click OK.
    A new local TM is created for the project.

Adding a local TM

To add a local TM:

  1. Follow steps 1 to 2 from section Creating a local TM.

  2. Click Add TM.
    The Add Local TM dialog box appears.


  3. Enter or browse the location of the local TM.

  4. Select a local TM file and click Open.
    : Ensure that the correct local TM is selected. The local TM file must have a correct header, which typically includes the creation date, user ID, source and target language and so on. If an error occurs, please log into the Wordfast Pro support hotline at

  5. Follow steps 6 to 10 from section Creating a Local TM.
    An existing local TM is selected for the project.

Exporting a local TM

To export a local TM:

  1. Open Wordfast Pro and click .
    The TXML perspective appears.

  2. Click Translation Memory > New/Select TM.
    The Preferences (Filtered) dialog box appears.

  3. In the left pane, click Translation Memory > TM List.

  4. Select a local TM and click Export TM.
    The Export Local TM dialog box appears.


  5. If required, select another TM from the drop down list.

  6. Select the Export Type format of the TM.
    : You can either choose the default Wordfast Pro TM format or TMX format.

  7. Browse to the location where you want to save the exported TM and provide a file name.

  8. Click OK.
    The TM is exported to the specified location in the chosen format.

Adding a remote TM

To add a remote TM:

  1. Follow steps 1 to 2 from section Selecting translation memory settings.

  2. In the left pane, select Translation Memory > TM List.
    The Translation Memory - TM List dialog box appears.

  3. Click Add TM.
    The Add TM dialog box appears.

  4. Click the GLTM tab.


  5. Enter the remote TM URL.
    The remote TM information is populated automatically.

  6. Alternatively, enter each of the remote TM properties.
    The remote TM URL is populated automatically.
    : The remote TM URL and login details are provided to you by the client, if they are using a Wordfast TM server.

  7. After entering all remote TM information, click Test.
    Connection to the remote TM is established and a message appears.

  8. Modify the Symbolic name for the remote TM, if required.
    : The default symbolic name is a combination of the user name, address and port details.

  9. Enter Workgroup ID and Search Depth. (Optional)
    : The Workgroup ID is a 10 digit number and is provided to you by the Wordfast Pro administrator. If a Workgroup ID is not entered, you can only read from the remote TM. The Workgroup ID is required if you need to update the remote TM.
    Ensure that the user name is unique and easily recognizable.
    Search depth signifies the number of results that can be viewed for a particular search. For example, if you are looking for segments containing the word "hotel", only the first 200 segments in the remote TM containing that word will appear.

  10. Enter Timeout Properties.
    There are three types of timeouts:

  11. Select Use Cleanup Password to provide password to clean up target content and update the TM.
    : The password will be provided to you if you have Project Manager role access rights.

  12. Click OK.
    The newly created or added remote TM name appears in the TM List and the properties appear at the bottom of the dialog box.


  13. Select the Active check box, to use the new remote TM during translation.

  14. Select the Read-Only check box, if you do not want to update the remote TM. (Optional)

  15. Click OK.
    A new or existing remote TM is created or opened for the project.

Changing TM Priority

  1. Click on TM Priority under Translation Memory.

  2. Click or to prioritize newly created or available local TMs.
    : Prioritizing TMs will ensure that the first TM in the list is leveraged first, followed by the remaining TMs.