Add a Note

To add a note:

  1. Open a translation file.
  2. In the TXLF Editor view, select a segment.
  3. Choose one of the following actions:
    • Click the Notes tab on the Editor pane, then click Add Note.

    • On the Review tab, click Add Note, or right click on the target segment and select Add Note to open Add/Edit Notes dialog.

  4. On the Add/Edit Notes dialog, select a Type from the drop-down list.

    The selected note Type is saved for the next time Wordfast is run.




    Select to include data for the reviewer from the translator.


    Select to includes data for the translator from the reviewer.


    Select to solicit a response about the segment from a user.


    Select to flag the data for the segment as a priority for other users.

  5. Enter the information in the note field.
  6. Click OK.

    The note is saved and associated with the segment.