Leverage Project TMs

A translation memory (TM) provides maximum content re-use and facilitates collaboration among localization resources. Users can leverage reusable content using one of two different types of TMs.

  Best Practice:

Consider using a free, hosted service: WordFast Anywhere (WFA). WFA allows translators to connect to a shared server and interact with a private, remote TM and glossary.

Local TM

Located on your local computer system and only you can access it.

Remote TM

Located on a server that other translators can access. This allows multiple translators to leverage the available content and update the TM with new reusable content.


You can remove a TM from a project so it is no longer in the project TM list. When you remove a local TM from a project, it remains in the TM folder on your computer system. To add a removed local TM back to the project, use the Add Local action on the Project TM tab. To add a removed remote TM to the project, use the Connect to Remote action on the Project TM tab.