Analyzing Projects

In Analyzing Projects, files for translation are analyzed against a Translation Memory to leverage reusable content and execute a pre-translation (refer to Project Files Tab).

To analyze files from the Project Files tab:

  1. Go to the Projects list tab (refer to Opening Projects).
  2. Select the project and click Open Project.    
  3. Click Analyze Project on the Project Files tab.    

    The Project Analyze dialog box appears.

  4. Select the file(s) to be analyzed.
  5. Select the appropriate Analysis Options as follows (refer to Configuring Translation Memory):
    1. Select Pretranslate to create translated TXLF files, including the options:
      • Match percentage criteria

      • Copy all tags on segments when there is no TM match

      • Copy segment source to target when there is no TM match

      • Do nothing

    2. Select Report Settings:
      • Show only analysis report summary

      • Export Report

        • Report Name

        • Report Type

        • Report Location

    3. Translation Memory, select one or more TM to use during this analysis.
  6. Click Analyze.

    A pop-up appears showing the report percentage progress.



    The analysis completes and the Report File summary appears.