Viewing Transcheck Warnings

Warnings can be viewed under the Transcheck tab in the lower-left pane if Transcheck during translation is selected in Transcheck Preferences (see Configuring Transcheck).

To view Transcheck warnings:

  1. Open Wordfast Pro and select a project.
  2. Click Open Project.

    Figure 1. Projects Dashboard—Open Project

  3. Click Open Project.
  4. Select a file.

    Figure 2. Project Files—Translate File

  5. Click Translate File

    The file is validated and displayed in the Translation window.

  6. Enter the translation in the target segment.
  7. Navigate to next segment (or press Alt+)

    As the translation is entered, a warning appears if and when errors are encountered.

  8. Click Go back to fix error to return to the segment and correct the error.
  9. Click Continue to return to the translation.
  10. If the error was not corrected, the Transcheck error icon appears in the Status column, and the Transcheck error appears under the Transcheck tab in the Editor.