Configuring Transcheck

Transcheck is specific to a given project and it verifies certain elements in the target segments and warns of missing or incorrect text or variables. For example, if a tag is missing or incorrect text was entered, a warning symbol appears before the target segment. The warning is shown when the mouse hovers over the text.

To customize the execution of transcheck on TXLF files:

  1. Open Wordfast Pro and select a project from the project list.
  2. Click Open Project.
  3. Click Preferences under Options.

    The overall preferences setup panel appears.

  4. Click Transcheck.

    The Transcheck dialog opens as shown in the following figure.

    Figure 1. Preferences—Transcheck

    The balance of the Configuring Transcheck dialog is shown in the following figure.

  5. Select Transcheck during translation to enable Transcheck for this project.
  6. To check for specific errors in the target segments, select the different configuration options as described in the following table.

    Select Option

    Select Sub-Option


    Blacklist Check


    Check if the target segment includes blacklisted terms.

    Note: The blacklisted must be a tab-delimited file. Availability of this option is dependent on the TMGR configuration.

    Capitalization Check


    To activate case sensitivity (Default).

    If Capitalization Check

    is selected:



    All Caps Mismatch

    For total case sensitivity.


    First Word Case Difference Check

    For just initial capitalization.


    Taget Capitalization Mismatch Check

    For target capitalization mismatch with source.


    Source Capitalization Mismatch Check

    For source capitalization mismatch with target.

    Edited Context Match Check


    To enable checking the edited Context Match.

    Edited Exact Match Check


    To enable checking the edited exact match.

    Edited Source Check


    To enable checking the edited source (Default).

    Empty Target Check


    To enable checking the empty target.

    Forbidden Character Check


    To enable checking for forbidden characters.

    Number Diference Check


    To enable checking for diferences in word count.

    Punctuation Check


    To enable checking for punctuation mismatch.


    Double Punctuation Check

    To enable checking for duplicated punctuation.

    Repeated Word Check


    To enable checking word repeat (Default).

    Segment Length Check


    To enable checking for equal segment lengths.

    Extended Punctuation Check


    To enable checking for matching extended punctuation.

    Copied Source Check


    To enable checking of copied source.

    Tag Check


    To enable checking of the tags.

    Terminology Check


    To enable checking of terminology

    Unedited Fuzzy Check


    To enable checking for a fuzzy TM match remaining unchanged.

    Untranslatable Text Check


    To enable checking of the non-translatable text.

    Untranslated Text Check


    To enable checking of the untranslated text.

    Whitespace Check


    To enable checking for whitespace (blanks) mismatch.

  7. Click OK.

    The Transcheck configuration is complete and active for the current project.