Finding and Replacing Content

To find and replace content:

  1. Open Wordfast Pro and select a project.

    Figure 1. Projects Dashboard—Open Project

  2. Click Open Project.

    The Project Files dashboard opens as shown below.

    Figure 2. Project Files Dashboard

  3. Double-click the file.

    The file appears in the Translation window as shown below.

    Figure 3. Translation—Find-Replace

Find Tab Option:

  1. Press Ctrl+F.

    The Find/Replace dialog box appears.

  2. Under the Find tab, enter the text to be found in the Find What: field.

    Search arguments can include non-breaking spaces.

  3. Click Find Next.

Replace Tab Option:

Figure 4. Replace Tab Dialog

  1. Click Find Next.
  2. Click:
    • Replace All, to replace the found instance and all other instances

    • Replace to replace the found content only

More Options:




Search from that point backward.


Search from that point forward.

Ignore Case

Search for all instances of the word or phrase in upper and lower case.

Whole Words Only

Search for all instances of the whole word.

Ignore non-breaking space

Search for all instances of the word or phrase, including non-breaking spaces.

Search Source

Search for all instances of the word or phrase in the source.

Search Target

Search for all instances of the word or phrase in the target segment.

Search Through Open Files

Search for all instances of the word or phrase through all currently open files.
