Tech Tip
“Diff Highlight” is a new Wordfast Pro feature showing you the differences between the new segment and the fuzzy match found in the translation memory. Without this option, you used to see differences of the TM match only, but now you can see the differences of the new segment as well. In the TM Lookup pane, check “Diff Highlight”; the missing parts will be highlighted in red while the new parts will be highlighted in green.
Online Training
Do you need to learn more about how to use your Wordfast tool efficiently and how to make the most out of its diverse features? Wordfast is organizing online training events to help translators explore its hidden worlds:
- Translating with Wordfast Classic
- Wordfast Pro Advanced Features
Click here for dates, times, costs, and registration.
Free Webinars (Webinaires gratuits)
Parlez-vous français ? Un webinaire Wordfast Pro pour Débutants gratuit pour vous montrer une session typique de traduction… Cliquez ici pour vous inscrire.
A new concept: come play in the Wordfast Sandbox. An experienced Wordfast user/trainer will field questions and propose impromptu demonstrations during this free one-hour session. Click here to sign up.
User Conference
New business-related topics added to the Wordfast Forward conference program: Four Customer Types & Selling to Them and Mind-mapping. World-renowned trainer Søren Ellegaard from Denmark will be leading these sessions. Check out the updated program here.
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