Please fill out the form below to get a fully-functional, 30-day trial of Wordfast Pro 4 (WFP4). If you want to receive announcements about free webinars, training, tool tips and more, please sign up for our very infrequent newsletter (we try not to bother you!) on this page.
We are still adding features to WFP4 so there might be some missing functionality compared to Wordfast Pro 3 (WFP3), namely text layout view, split/merge, and frequents extraction.
Current WFP3 license holders are entitled to an upgrade to WFP4 for free. Please login to your user account at to get a license activation key. You can have both WFP3 and WFP4 installed on the same computer, i.e. WFP4 does not overwrite WFP3.
Thanks for choosing Wordfast, and we hope you enjoy this new version!