Using Shortcut Icons

Wordfast Pro 3 includes a number of shortcut icons that help you quickly complete common tasks. Find below a list of all the shortcut icons available in the TXML Editor and their functionality.





open a new file.

Note: When you browse your PC, only the file types listed in your File Associations setup (Window > System Options...> General > Editors > File Associations) will appear.


save the currently open file.


print the file that is currently open.


show or hide whitespace characters.

translate a segment using machine translation software.


create or select a translation memory (TM).


navigate to the next segment. This action automatically saves the segment to the TM, if you have edited the translation.


navigate to the previous segment. This action automatically saves the segment to the TM, if you have edited the translation.


leverage the TM for the current source segment.


translate the source segments until there is a fuzzy match.


translate the source segments until there is no match.


translate all source segments.


copy the text from the source segment into the target segment.


combine the currently selected source segment with the next segment.

If segments are merged across paragraphs, a tag appears between the merged segments in the source and the target.


split the source segment into two segments, at the location of the cursor.


mark a segment as confirmed or unconfirmed.


save the current translated segment to the TM.


save the translated segments to the TM and close the file. This action is typically carried out when you have completed translation.

insert left to right mark.

insert right to left mark for languages that are written in that direction, such as Arabic.


copies all tags from the current source segment to the target segment.


select the previous tag in the source segment. The selected tag will be highlighted in red by default.

delete the currently selected tag.


copy the currently selected tag into the target segment at the location of the cursor.


select the next tag in the source segment. The selected tag will be highlighted in red by default.

analyze the file for translation against a TM to leverage reusable content and pre-translate content.


look up the selected source text in the translation memory. This action leverages all segments that include that text.


check spelling.


preview the file in MS Word.


navigate to the previous term in the source segments.


copy the selected term.


navigate to the next term in the source segments.

edit the blacklist for the open project.

modify the glossary.


add a term to the glossary.


edit a note.


delete a note.


add a note.


process file for transcheck warnings.