The Auto-Suggest option populates suggestions based on content or numeric values from source and terminology matches.
To enable Auto-Suggest:
Open Wordfast Pro 3 and click
The TXML perspective appears.
Click Edit
> Preferences > Translations > Auto-Suggest.
The Auto-Suggest dialog box appears.
Select the Enable Auto-Suggest checkbox.
Enable the following auto-suggest options, if required:
Select |
to view suggestions in target segment for... |
Numbers from source |
numbers that appear in the source segment. |
Number conversions |
number conversions based on different rules. For example: If the file is being translated from English (United States) to German (Germany), $1,000 appearing in source segment will be suggested as $1.000 in the target segment. |
Uppercase words from source |
upper case words that appear in the source segment. |
URLs from source |
URLs that appear in the source segment. |
Email addresses from source |
email addresses that appear in the source segment. |
Glossary matches |
term matches from synchronized glossary found in the source segment. |
Click Apply
and OK.
The Auto-Suggest option is enabled.
To view suggested terms, begin
typing in the target segment. An example is given in the screenshot