Enabling Auto-Suggest

The Auto-Suggest option populates suggestions based on content or numeric values from source and terminology matches.


To enable Auto-Suggest:

  1. Open Wordfast Pro 3 and click .
    The TXML perspective appears.

  2. Click Edit > Preferences > Translations > Auto-Suggest.
    The Auto-Suggest dialog box appears.


  3. Select the Enable Auto-Suggest checkbox.

  4. Enable the following auto-suggest options, if required:


    to view suggestions in target segment for...

    Numbers from source

    numbers that appear in the source segment.

    Number conversions

    number conversions based on different rules. For example: If the file is being translated from English (United States) to German (Germany), $1,000 appearing in source segment will be suggested as $1.000 in the target segment.

    Uppercase words from source

    upper case words that appear in the source segment.

    URLs from source

    URLs that appear in the source segment.

    Email addresses from source

    email addresses that appear in the source segment.

    Glossary matches

    term matches from synchronized glossary found in the source segment.

  5. Click Apply and OK.
    The Auto-Suggest option is enabled.

  6. To view suggested terms, begin typing in the target segment. An example is given in the screenshot below.