Selecting Analysis output options

When a file is analyzed, an analysis output is generated in the same folder as the source files. The analysis output is the pretranslated TXML file. The analysis output options allow you to choose whether the pretranslated TXML file should be renamed to add the language suffix or placed in a separate folder with a language suffix or both.

To select analysis output option:

  1. Open Wordfast Pro 3 and click .
    The PM perspective appears.

  2. Click Edit > Preferences > Translations > PM Plug-in.
    The Preferences (Filtered) PM Plug-in dialog box appears.

  3. Select a condition to be followed when analyzing files. The options are as follows:



    Add language suffix

    add the language code (for example ES_MX) as a suffix to the analysis output file. An example screenshot of the source folder and the source and analysis output file is given below.

    Subfolder creation

    place the analysis output file within a subfolder. An example screenshot of the source and analysis output folder and file is given below.

    Subfolder creation with language suffix

    place the analysis output file within a subfolder. The subfolder and analysis output file will also include the language code as suffix. An example screenshot of the analysis output folder and file is given below.