
Home > Using PM plug-in > Setting up filters > Adding an Excel file filter > Simple Wizard

Simple Wizard

To run the Simple wizard:

  1. Follow steps 1 to 6 from Adding an Excel file filter.

  2. Select Simple Wizard and click Next.
    The Preview page appears.

    The content in the Preview page is selected for translation. The Preview page models an Excel file.




    Please choose number of preview rows drop down list

    select the number of rows to show on the preview page.

    Use headers check box

    use the column headers of the Excel sheet. If not selected, the column letter (A,B, C) appears in the next step.

    Table with the Excel sheet contents

    select the first row for translation. Rows above the selected row will not be translated.

  3. Click Finish.
    The configuration and sample file path appears in the Formats option box as shown below.

  1. Select Choose XML config file to format the filter using an XML file.
    Note: Selecting this option disables the options immediately before. The XML file overrides the Excel Column Selection Wizard, if it has already been set up.

    1. Click Browse to browse to the excelConfig file. The default file is a sample to be edited for your configuration. To edit the file:

      1. Copy the sample excelConfig file to your preferred folder.

      2. Open the copy of the sample excelConfig file in your preferred text or XML editor.

      3. Edit the copied sample excelConfig file to set up the filter configuration. The file acts as a template for your preferred filter setup.
        Note: Remove or comment out any fields in XML that you are not using.

      4. Save the file.

    2. Select the path to the edited excelConfig file. An example is shown below.

    3. Click Apply.

    4. Click OK.
      An Excel file filter is set up.
      Note: You can now directly open Excel files using this filter. While opening files you must choose the correct filter, when prompted. You can also rename the filter using the Rename button.