Extracting frequents

In the Extracting frequents process, repetitive source segments are extracted from the files for translation. Extracting frequents helps reduce the total number of segments to be translated. This is useful when translating in large jobs with many source files, containing repetitive content.

To extract frequents:

  1. Open Wordfast Pro 3 and click .
    The PM perspective appears.

  2. Click Extract Freq.
    The Extract Freq window appears.

  3. Click to browse and select files from a folder. To add multiple files, press the Ctrl key and select the files.
    Click to add an entire folder. Once a folder is selected, the following message appears.

     Click Yes to add files recursively. This ensures that all files within a folder, including the files in the sub folders are added.
    The files appear. Files are selected by default when added.

    Note: Ensure all files selected or added are TXML files. 

  4. Under Extract files Options, select one of two options:
    Select Make a new file after (#) segments. Enter the maximum number of segments per file. The default is 250 segments. To produce only one frequents file, set the maximum number of segments per file to 10000.
    Select Make one frequents file per TXML.
    : The number signifies the minimum number of times a segment must be repeated in the set of files to be extracted. For example, if this value is 1, Wordfast Pro 3 will extract one unique occurrence of all segments that appear once or more.

    Frequents will be extracted in the order in which the files were added.

  5. Under Extract Location Options, select Extract Frequents to TXML folder to save the frequents file to the TXML folder.
    Select the radio button for Location, and browse to another location for the frequents file. The file prefix will be repetitions.

  6. Under Extract Frequents Options, select Ignore exact matches from frequents analysis to ignore exact matches.
    Select Ignore numeric differences from frequents analysis to ignore numeric differences.

  7. Click Extract.
    The repetitive segments are extracted and saved at the location selected.

    : The TXML files with extracted frequent segments are sent to the translator for translation. After translated files are received from the translators, they are cleaned up and saved into the TM. The TM is then applied to the original TXML files, to complete the translation process.