Chain Files

To combine multiple files and view them as a single file, use Chain Files. For example, if you are translating or reviewing ten files with ten segments each, you can temporarily chain them into a single file of 100 segments. Chaining files is particularly useful when working with duplicate or similar content among files.


You cannot export or save chained files as a single TXLF file.


You can open and work on a single chained file or multiple sets of chained files in the TXLF Editor view. Each chained file displays on its own tab.

To chain files:

  1. In the Current Project view, on the Project Files tab, select a set of files, then click Chain Files.

    Use Shift+Click to select sequential files or Ctrl+Click to select individual files.

    The chained file opens in TXLF Editor.


    To determine the related file name for a segment, hover over the segment ID.

  2. Click a segment to make it the active segment.

    The filename changes from the chained name to the source filename of the active segment.

  3. Translate, review, or edit each segment. The Segment State will change to Translated. Toggle the Segment State between Translated and Needs Translation as needed. The changed Segment State will be calculated in the completion percentage in the Progress Bar.
  4. (Optional) Click Recalculate Progress on the File tab to calculate the progress of the translation and review. The total percentage displays in the Progress Bar at the bottom of the window. For chained files, the progress percentage will be for all the files combined.
  5. Click Save on the File tab.

    If you need to review the files again, the chain files will open in the same order you saved them.

    The segments are saved in the chained file and restored to their original files without the chained format. The progress for each individual file will show on the Progress tab.