
You can view license information after you have activated Wordfast Pro.

On the Sidebar, click to view product information, your current license information, Wordfast Pro update info, and to provide application feedback.


Wordfast Pro automatically monitors for updates. If an update is available, you receive notification after you open the application.




Use to review product information, including your current version number.

Online Registration

Use to activate your Wordfast Pro license online.

Manual Registration

Use to manually activate your Wordfast Pro license through e-mail.

Update Wordfast Pro

Use to check for updates to the application and to add languages for the application's Hunspell spelling dictionary.


Use to send feedback about software issues. Be as specific as possible, providing the exact steps you took when the issue occurred.

Please do not submit software usage questions to Feedback.

For software usage questions, click to review the online help. If you still have questions after reviewing the online help, log in to your user account at and submit a Hotline request.