Import SDL Package Files

You can import an SDL package file for conversion of SDL source files to a compatible Wordfast Pro format. Imports include scores for source content, but do not include translation memories, glossaries, and reference files.

To import SDL package files:

  1. On the Projects tab, click Import SDL Package or drag-and-drop the SDL Package file into the application window.
  2. On the Import Package dialog, click Browse to locate and select the SDL Package file.

    If the SDL Package file contains unsupported target languages, a warning message notifies you. Click OK.

  3. Enter the new Project Name.
  4. Browse and select the save location for the new project.
  5. (Optional) Select Open project after importing to open the project automatically after import.
  6. Click Import.

    The SDL Package file import completes. For imports with Open project after importing selected, the current project view is opened and the files for translation are displayed.