Configure Auto-Suggestion

Auto-Suggestion preferences control automatic recommendations for source content, such as numbers, URLs, and proper names. It can also recommend terms for the glossary, Translation Memory (TM) matches, and machine translation (MT) matches.

To configure auto-suggestion:

  1. Select Preferences from the Wordfast drop-down menu.
  2. On the Preferences dialog, click Auto-Suggestion under General Preferences.
  3. Select the Enable Auto-Suggestion check box and suggestion options, then click OK.



    Capitalized source words

    Select for source segment suggestions: numbers and capitalized words only.

    Glossary terms

    Select for glossary suggestions, based on the project.


    Select for translation suggestions from the TM.

    TM sub-segments

    Select for sub-segment translation suggestions from the TM.


    Select for machine translation (MT) translation suggestions.