Analyze Project Files

Project analysis compares source files to a connected translation memory (TM) to leverage reusable content. Use the Analyze action to assess files prior to translation or to pre-translate files.

To analyze project files:

  1. In the Current Project view, click Analyze.
  2. On the Project Analyze dialog, select the language pairs and files for analysis.

    Verify that the TXLF file you want to analyze is not open in TXLF Editor. You cannot analyze an open file.

  3. Select options below the Analysis Options heading.




    Select to create translated TXLF files, based on Pretranslate options.


    Selecting Pretranslate is an optional step. The percentage defines the minimum leverage required to pre-translate a specific segment.

    • % matches—Select the percentage of matches to pre-translate

    • Copy all tags on segments when there is no TM match

    • Copy segment source to target when there is no TM match

    • Do nothing

    Calculate analysis report percentage by:

    Click an option to set the calculation percentage by either words or segments.

    Calculate internal fuzzy matches

    Select to set the calculation percentage for internal partial matches.

    Lock segments with 100% matches from being edited

    Click to prevent the edit of 100% matches and the overwrite of the TM with those edits.

    Do not allow segments to be merged

    Click to prevent the merging of translation units (TUs) during analysis.

    Do not allow sources to be edited

    Click to prevent an overwrite of the source segment with new edits.

  4. Select the format for the output report below the Report Settings heading.
    1. (Optional) Click Show only analysis report summary.
    2. (Optional) Click Export Report, then complete the required fields and select a location.
  5. Select a TM below the Translation Memory heading.
  6. Click Analyze.
  7. On the Report File dialog, view the project files analysis.
  8. Click OK.