View TM Leverage Results

Leveraging the translation memory (TM) occurs automatically as you move through the target segments. This provides you with the best possible segment matches from the TM and is the only search that uses scoring to select the best match.

To view TM leverage results:

  1. In TXLF Editor, click on a source or target segment.

    This populates the columns on the TM Lookup tab of the Editor pane and provides a score, based on TM leverage results.

  2. Review TM leverage results in each TM Lookup column for that segment.




    Displays source segments provided by the TM. Any difference between the submitted segment and the TM source segment is highlighted.


    Displays target segments already in the TM.


    Displays a TM leverage score.

    • Percent (%) — 100% and fuzzy matches

    • Plus (+) — Context matches

    • Asterisk (*) — Secondary TM match

    • Red outline — TM has assessed a penalty to the segment

    Refer to Leverage Translation Memory for more information on TM color codes.

    TM Name

    Identifies the name of the leveraged TM. If you are leveraging multiple TMs, it lists the TMs in order of priority: primary, then secondary TMs.

    Creation Date

    Identifies the TM segment creation date.

    Creation User

    Identifies the username of the segment creator.

    Last Modified

    Identifies the date of the last segment modification.

    Modification User

    Identifies the user who last modified the segment.

    Custom Attribute

    Identifies any segment custom attribute name and its associated values


    Acts as a button to access score breakdown information, including penalties.

  3. (Optional) To constrain the columns within the pane, click on any column head, then deselect the names of the columns you want to hide.