Spell Check a File

You can use a spellchecker to verify translated content aligns with configured spell checking preferences. Refer to Configure and Enable Spellchecker. You must verify your Hunspell spelling dictionaries have the latest updates. Refer to Licensure.

To spell check a file:

  1. On the Review tab, click Spellcheck File.
  2. On the Spelling dialog, review the suggestions and select one of the options.



    Ignore Once

    Click to ignore the suggested change for the word once

    Ignore All

    Click to ignore the suggested change for all the occurrences of the word in the file


    Click to accept the suggested change for the word

    Change All

    Click to accept the suggested change for all the occurrences of the word in the file


    If spell checking is not available for the target language, a warning message notifies you. Click OK.

  3. To view spell checking preferences, click Preferences or click Cancel to reject any changes.
  4. Close the Spelling dialog.