Configure Transcheck

Transcheck preferences control at the project level how Transcheck verifies target segments and issues warnings about common translation errors. For example, if a tag is missing or there is incorrect text, a displays in the Status column.

To configure Transcheck:

  1. Select Preferences from the Wordfast drop-down menu.
  2. On the Preferences dialog, click Transcheck under New Project Preferences.

    There are primary Transcheck options, some of which provide additional sub-options.

  3. To control how Transcheck evaluates source and target segments, select different configuration settings.



    Transcheck segments while translating

    Select to enable Transcheck during translation.

    Select/Deselect All

    Select to enable or disable all Transcheck options. To select only some Transcheck options, continue down the settings list.

    Blacklist Check

    Select to identify terms in target segments that are banned from use in the content.


    The blacklisted term list must be a tab-delimited file.

    Capitalization Check

    Select to identify differences in capitalization, then select the appropriate check boxes.

    • All Caps Mismatch — Select to identify text in the target that is all upper case, when the source is not all upper case.

    • First Word Case Difference Check — Select to verify the first letter of the first word is capitalized consistently in source and in target.

    • Target Capitalization Mismatch Check — Select to identify upper case text in the target that is in lower case in the source.

    • Source Capitalization Mismatch Check — Select to identify upper case text in the source that is in lower case in the target.

    • Skip exact matches — Select to ignore capitalization on exact matches.

    • Skip context matches — Select to ignore capitalization on context matches.

    Edited Context Match Check

    Select to identify if there are edits to context matches from the TM.

    Edited Exact Match Check

    Select to identify if there are edits to exact matches from the TM.

    Edited Source Check

    Select to identify if there are edits to the source of a segment.

    Empty Target Check

    Select to identify segments containing no content in the target column.

    Forbidden Character Check

    Select to identify target segments containing forbidden characters, such as the tilde, asterisk, or ampersand.

    1. Click Add, enter the forbidden character or character string in the column 1 field, then click Update.

    2. Select whether you want to ignore exact matches or content matches.

    Mistranslated Text Check

    Select to identify segments with common translation errors. This generates a report that lists the correct and wrong usage of translated text.

    1. Suppress noise — Select to remove redundancy from the reported warnings or errors.

    2. Skip exact matches — Select to ignore common translation errors on exact matches.

    3. Skip context matches — Select to ignore common translation errors on context matches.

    Note Check

    Select to identify and run a report of segments with notes. When you run Transcheck while in TXLF Editor, every segment that has notes has a related alert flag

    • Skip exact matches — Select to ignore notes on exact matches.

    • Skip context matches — Select to ignore notes on context matches.

    Number Difference Check

    Select to identify numerals in the source segment that match the target segment.

    • Treat numbers separated by hyphens and dashes as single number — Select to ignore hyphenation and dashes separating numbers.

    • Skip exact matches — Select to ignore numerals on exact matches.

    • Skip context matches — Select to ignore numerals on context matches.

    Paragraph Length Check

    Select to identify target paragraph lengths that exceed the maximum character length set for the paragraph.

    Punctuation Check

    Select to identify consistency in typical punctuation, such as commas or periods, between source and target segments.

    1. Click Add, enter the source punctuation mark in the column 1 field, the target punctuation mark in the column 2 field, then click Update.

    2. Select to include dual occurrences of a punctuation mark, ignore exact matches, or ignore content matches.

    Repeated Word Check

    Select to identify duplicated words in the translation.

    • Skip exact matches—Select to ignore repeated words on exact matches.

    • Skip context matches—Select to ignore repeated words on context matches.

    Segment Length Check

    Select to verify if the translation complies with preset limits on characters and words.

    • Strict Character Length Check (Zero means unlimited) — Select to identify violations of minimum and maximum character length.

    • Character Expansion Check — Select to identify violations of minimum and maximum character expansion, as a percentage.

    • Word Expansion Check — Select to identify violations of minimum and maximum word expansion, as a percentage.

    • Attribute Character Max Length Check — Select to identify violations of attribute text that exceeds the maximum character length.

    • Skip exact matches — Select to ignore segment length on exact matches.

    • Skip context matches — Select to ignore segment length on context matches.

    Extended Punctuation Check

    Select to identify consistency in less common symbols, such as copyright symbols, trademarks, and bullets, between source and target segments.

    • Skip exact matches — Select to ignore extended punctuation on exact matches.

    • Skip context matches — Select to ignore extended punctuation on context matches.

    Copied Source Check

    Select to identify segments in the target that contains segments copied from the source.

    • Skip exact matches — Select to ignore exact matches of copied source content.

    • Skip context matches — Select to ignore exact matches of copied source content.

    • Skip tokens — Select to ignore software tokens within regular expressions in the copied source, such as [-+_/\[\]()#:;.A-Z0-9]+

    Spelling Check

    Select to employ spellcheck as you enter the translation.

    If the spellcheck language is not available, a message notifies you that Transcheck will continue, but the spellcheck does not take place.

    • Skip exact matches — Select to ignore spellcheck on exact matches.

    • Skip context matches — Select to ignore spellcheck on context matches.

    Tag Check

    Select to identify missing tags in the target segments.

    • Check for non-formatting tags.

    • Check for Source formatting missing in target.

    • Check for formatting that exists in target but not in source.

    • Skip exact matches — Select to ignore tags with exact matches.

    • Skip context matches — Select to ignore tags with context matches.

    Terminology Check

    Select to determine if the terms in the source segment are translated correctly based on the terms in the terminology list.

    • Enforce Term Case — Select to verify the source text matches the exact case of the term.

    • Fuzzy Term Check — Select to include terms that approximately match the term.

    • Skip exact matches — Select to ignore terms with exact matches.

    • Skip context matches — Select to ignore terms with context matches.

    Unconfirmed Segment Check

    Select to verify if the segment is marked unconfirmed.

    • Skip exact matches — Select to ignore unconfirmed exact match segments.

    • Skip context matches — Select to ignore unconfirmed context match segments.

    Unedited Exact Check

    Select to determine if exact matches were not edited.

    Unedited Fuzzy Check

    Select to determine if fuzzy matches were not edited.

    Unedited MT Check

    Select to determine if machine translated matches were not edited.

    Untranslatable Text Check

    Select to determine if the content that cannot be translated in source and target segments is consistent.

    1. Click Add, enter the untranslatable content in the column 1 field, then click Update.

    2. Enter an untranslatable regular expression in the custom field.

    3. Skip exact matches — Select to ignore exact matches of untranslatable regular expressions.

    4. Skip context matches — Select to ignore content matches of untranslatable regular expressions.

    Untranslated Text Check

    Select to determine if any segments are not translated. Typically, this occurs when you copy the source into the target segment prior to translation, but missed translating that segment.

    • Skip exact matches — Select to ignore untranslated exact match text.

    • Skip context matches — Select to ignore untranslated context match text.

    Whitespace Check

    Select to identify mismatched or double white spaces in the target segment.

    • Skip exact matches — Select to ignore exact white space matches.

    • Skip context matches — Select to ignore white space context matches.

  4. Click OK.

    Transcheck is reconfigured for the current project.