Configure Machine Translation

Machine Translation (MT) preferences control automatic population of target segments with translations that have no translation memory (TM) segment matches using a machine translation engine.

To configure machine translation:

  1. In the Sidebar, click .
  2. On the Preferences dialog, click Machine Translation under General Preferences.
  3. Select one of the following:
    • Show MT results in TM Lookup when there is no TM match, to show machine translated content without local or remote TM matches.

    • Always show MT results in TM Lookup, to show machine translated content with leveraged segments. TM matches display in TM Lookup with the MT matches.

  4. Select check boxes to allow All unedited segments in active document to be leveraged with MT, and to Remove MT score from score column when a segment is edited.
  5. Select Enable DeepL Pro, Enable Google Translator, Enable Microsoft Translator, Enable SYSTRAN Pure Neural Server,or Enable WorldLingo as the primary machine translator. You can enable all five, but you can only designate one as the primary machine translator.
  6. Select MT options for each machine translator, then perform the designated setup tasks associated with each machine translator.

    WorldLingo has a limited set of source languages for MT.

    • Arabic

    • Chinese Simplified

    • Chinese Traditional

    • Dutch

    • English

    • French

    • German

    • Greek

    • Italian

    • Japanese

    • Korean

    • Portuguese

    • Russian

    • Spanish

    • Swedish



    Enable DeepL Pro

    Enable Google Translator

    Enable Microsoft Translator

    Enable SYSTRAN Pure Neural Server

    Enable WorldLingo

    WorldLingo MT has a limited source language set.

  7. Click Test to validate the connection to the external machine translation provider.
  8. Read the disclaimer and click OK.

    Your machine translation preferences are configured.