Next/Previous Segment action leverages next/previous segment
Enable or disable the writing and leveraging action of the Next/Previous Segment command.
Open last edited segment when opening a file
Go to the last segment edited when a file is opened.
Leverage the first opened segment on click
View the Translation Memory leverage of the first open segment when you open a TXLF file for translation.
Capitalize the first letter of the target segment (Except Asian Languages)
Translated segment are converted to sentence case, but not for Asian languages.
Enable Smart Quotes
Changes the quotation marks to smart quotes. Depending on the target language, the quotation marks used when the user presses the quotation mark keys on the keyboard are changed.
Skip Unedited 100% Matches
Enable or disable skipping over those segments with perfect matches.
Skip Unedited Context Matches
Enable or disable skipping over those segments with context matching.