Import Package

Using the Import Package option, a Package file can be imported into Wordfast Pro. These files are exported from another Wordfast Pro installation. When a Package file is imported, Wordfast Pro connects to the TMs and glossaries, and provides you access to all the translatable files and additional resources, therefore a manual project set up is not required. Refer to Package Files for more information on Package file contents.

To import a package on the Projects tab:

  1. Click Import Package or drag and drop a Package file into the white space in the body of the window.
  2. On the Import Package dialog, click Browse to locate and select the Package file.
  3. Click one of the following options:
    • Update A Current Project: select an existing project to update with the imported Package file. Select one of the update options:

      • Only update existing project TXLF files

      • Update existing and add new files

    • Create New Project: select to create a new project. Enter the new project details:

      • Project Name: enter the new project name

      • Location: click browse and select the location to save the new project

  4. (Optional) Select Open project after importing to open the updated or new project when the import completes.
  5. Click Import.

    If Open project after importing is selected, the current project view opens listing the files for translation.