Configuring Capitalization Check

To configure the checking for capitalization differences for a given project from the Preferences option:

  1. Click Transcheck.
  2. Locate and select Capitalization Check.

    The related options appear.

  3. Select the appropriate options.



    All Caps Mismatch

    Check text in the target that is all in upper case, when the source is not all in upper case

    First Word Case Difference Check

    Check the first letter of the first word is capitalized consistently in source and in target.

    Target Capitalization Mismatch Check

    Check upper case text in the target that is in lower case in the source.

    Source Capitalization Mismatch Check

    Check upper case text in the source that is in lower case in the target.

    Skip exact matches

    Disable or enable checking for capitalization on exact matches.

    Skip context matches

    Disable or enable checking for capitalization on context matches.