Editing Source Segments

The Edit Source option allows you to modify the source content of the file being translated. The original source content is stored in the TXLF file and can be restored at any time.

To edit the source segment from the Edit tab:

  1. Double-click the file.

    The file appears on the Translation tab.

  2. Select a segment.
  3. Click the Edit tab.

    The Edit tab opens.

    Figure 1. Edit Tab

  4. Place the cursor within the segment source.
  5. Click Edit Source in the Source Actions section.
  6. Edit the source content as needed.
  7. Click off the edited segment.

    The following screen segment highlights the symbol used to indicate an edit took place.

    An Edited Source icon appears in the Status column.

To revert to original source, click Revert Source in the Source Actions section.