Exporting Local Glossaries

To export a local glossary from the Project Terminology tab:

  1. Go to the Projects list tab (refer to Opening Projects).
  2. Select and open the project.
  3. Click the Project Terminology tab.

    The Project Terminology tab opens.

    Figure 1. Project Terminology Tab

  4. Select a glossary.
  5. Click Export Glossary (shown in the preceding example).

    The Export Glossary dialog box appears.

    Figure 2. Export Glossary Dialog

  6. Re-select the Glossary name if necessary.
  7. Select one of the following export types:
    • Tab delimited text file (.txt)—Wordfast Classic and Wordfast Pro 3 format

    • Term Base eXchange (.tbx)

  8. Enter the new file name and/or browse for a location to receive the glossary.

    Figure 3. Save As—Select File

  9. Click OK.

    The glossary is exported and saved at the specified location.