Importing Translation Memory

To import a translation memory profile:

  1. Go to the Projects list tab (refer to Opening Projects).
  2. Select and open the project.
  3. Click the Project TM tab.

    Figure 1. Project TM Tab

  4. Clilck Import TM.

    The Import Translation Memory dialog box opens.

  5. Make selections.

    The file formats supported for import are:

    • WF Classic TM: The format supported by Wordfast Classic and Wordfast Pro 3.

    • TMX: The standard format supported by all translation tools.

    Use the Browse For Folder to identify the folder to receive the TM copy (as shown).

    Figure 2. Browse For Folder

  6. Click Browse.
    1. Select the TM file.
    2. Click Open.
  7. Click OK.

    The Create Translation Memory dialog box returns with all fields filled in.

  8. Click OK.

    The new TM is created in the specified folder.