Customizing Application Layout

The layout preferences provide some control of the view in the Editor. Customize the general layout options by navigating to Preferences then Layout as described below.

  1. Open Wordfast Pro and click Preferences under Options.

    The overall preferences setup panel appears.

  2. Click Layout.

    The layout preferences appear.

    Figure 1. Change Layout Dialog—Editor

    Figure 2. Change Layout Dialog—Current Project

  3. Modify the layout options in the following criteria:

    Editor Options




    Hide ID Column

    Hide the segment ID column.

    Hide Score Column

    Hide the Translation Memory score column.

    Hide Table Header

    Hide the editor table header.

    Score Column


    Before Target

    Place the Translation Memory score column before the target segment column.

    After Target

    Place the Translation Memory score column after the target segment column.



    Automatically leverage first segment

    View the Translation Memory leverage of the first open segment when you open a TXLF file for translation.

    Automatically open last edited segment when opening a file

    Go to the last segment edited when a file is opened.

    Next/Previous Segment (TM Commit) action leverages next/previous segment

    Enable or disable the writing and leveraging action of the Next/Previous Segment command.



    Keep the last layout open

    Always keep the previous edit view open.

    Current Project Options


    Display Locale Codes in Current Project View

    Always include locale information in the view for current projects.

    Display Full Language Name in the Current Project View

    Always include the complete language name in the view for current projects.

    Status Bar


    Locale Codes

    Include the locale codes on the Status Bar.

    Full Language Name

    Include the complete language name on the Status Bar.