Editing Tags

To edit tags:

  1. Open Wordfast Pro and select a project.
  2. Click Open Project.

    Figure 1. Projects Dashboard—Open Project

  3. Select a file.
  4. Click Translate File.

    The file appears in the Translation window.

  5. Select a segment to edit.

    If tags exist in the source segment, they appear in purple if they are formatting tags and gray for non-formatting tags. The first tag in a selected segment appears in red.

    Figure 2. File—Source Segment Selected

  6. Highlight the tag to be edited in the target segment.
  7. To open the Edit Tag dialog, right-click on the tag and select Edit Tag.

    Reference: Drop-down Menu

    The Edit Tag dialog box appears.

  8. Modify the tag as required and click OK.

    The tag in the source segment should not be edited. Ensure that the edits are valid, otherwise the TXLF file could become corrupt.