Leveraging Repetitive Content

Leveraging repetitive content re-uses segments that are repeated in a file. For example, if there are multiple instances of the phrase Our Process, then the translator needs to type the translation only once. The remaining segments are leveraged automatically when Auto Propagation is enabled (see Configuring Auto Propagation).

To leverage repetitive content:

  1. Open Wordfast Pro and select a project.

    Figure 1. Projects Dashboard

  2. Click Open Project.

    The Project Files dashboard opens as shown in the following figure.

    Figure 2. Projects Dashboard—Open Project

  3. Select a file.
  4. Click Translate File.

    The file appears in the Translation window.

  5. Select the first translatable segment and it changes to a blue background with the cursor in the target segment.

    There are three instances of the source phrase Auto Prop.

  6. Enter the text in the target segment for the first instance.

    Suggestions from the TM appear as the translation is entered. The target segment appears in a pink background. A example is shown below.

    Figure 3. Auto Propagation

  7. Select a suggestion, or continue entering the translation.
  8. Commit the term by using one of the following methods.
    • Click Commit.

    • Click Next (or press Alt+).

    • Press Alt+End.

    The entered target segment is saved to the TM. The score for the selected segment appears in the color selected for segments committed to the TM in translation. An example is shown below.


    The remaining instances of "Auto Prop" are translated automatically and the Repetition icon is present in the Status column when a segment is considered a repetition as shown in the preceding figure.