Quick Tools

After files are translated, the translation project is ready for a clean up and an update to the Translation Memory (TM) files. The file clean-up process requires a manual initiation. Following this clean-up an automated process removes the source segments and restores the files to their original format.

To clean up and update the Translation Memory:

  1. Open Wordfast Pro.

    Figure 1. Wordfast Pro Drop-down

  2. Select Quick Tools from the Wordfast 4 drop-down menu.

    Figure 2. Quick Tools Dashboard

  3. Under the Clean tab, click Add File.

    Figure 3. Clean Add File

  4. Select a file.
  5. Click Open.

    The Clean dashboard returns with the selected files.

    Figure 4. Clean Selected File(s)

  6. Click CleanUp.

    The Report Summary opens upon completion of the clean-up.

    Figure 5. CleanUp Report Summary

    Figure 6. CleanUp Report Details

  7. Optionally, select Update TM for updating files to a Translation Memory.
  8. Select the Translation Memory.

    At least one Translation Memory is needed before file clean up can be initiated. To add a local or remote Translation Memory, see Creating Local TMs for more information.