Running Transcheck

The Transcheck option provides the means to assure translation quality by check translated content for missing tags, empty targets, numbers, untranslated segments, and terminology.

To execute Transcheck on TXLF files, with the project open:

  1. Select a file.

    Figure 1. Project Files Dashboard

  2. Click Transcheck Report.

    The Project Transcheck dialog opens. Select the files on which to run Transcheck as shown in the example below.

  3. Select the file(s) to have scanned by Transcheck.
  4. Select the Transcheck Tests options in accordance with the following criteria.

    Select Option

    Select Sub-Option


    Blacklist Check


    Compares the file to the project blacklist if one exists.

    Capitalization Check


    Ensures that capitalization is consistent in the source and target of a segment.

    If Capitalization Check

    is selected:



    All Caps Mismatch

    For total case sensitivity.


    First Word Case Difference Check

    Ensures that target segments begin with a capital when the source starts with a capital letter.


    Target Capitalization Mismatch Check

    Verifies that all target capitalization matches the source.


    Source Capitalization Mismatch Check

    Verifies that all source capitalization matches the target.

    Edited Context Match Check


    Verifies that a segment having a Context Match is modified.

    Edited Exact Match Check


    Verifies that a segment with 100% match is modified.

    Edited Source Check


    Verifies that a segment source has been modified.

    Empty Target Check


    Checks for a target segment being left blank.

    Forbidden Character Check


    Checks for target segments containing forbidden characters.

    Number Diference Check


    Verifies a matching word count in source and target.

    Punctuation Check


    Compares source and target segment punctuation to the punctuation table.

    Repeated Word Check


    Checks for a word repeat in the target.

    Segment Length Check


    Compares source and target segment lengths by word or character criteria.

    Extended Punctuation Check


    Verifies correct punctuation for the target language.

    Copied Source Check


    Verifies that a source segment was copied to the target.

    Tag Check


    Verifies a matching tags in source and target.

    Terminology Check


    Verifies target term translations are in accordance with the project termbase(s).

    Unedited Fuzzy Check


    Checks for a Fuzzy TM match remaining unchanged.

    Untranslatable Text Check


    Checks for an upper case source word in the target of the segment.

    Untranslated Text Check


    Checks the target of a segment for lower case text that is also in the source.

    Whitespace Check


    Verifies proper use of whitspace characters between the source and target segments.

    Consistency Check


    Verifies consistency in segment translation across all project files, limited by the following options:


    Ignore Case Sensitive

    Ignores text case differences.


    Ignore Numbers

    Ignores number differences


    Ignore Tags

    Ignores tag differences


    Ignore Whitespace

    Ignores whitespace differences

  5. Under the Report Settings section supply the following information.
    1. In the Report Name field, enter a name for the generated report.
    2. In the Report Location field, browse to the folder where the report is to be saved.
  6. Click the Glossary (0) tab.
    1. Select the glossary.
  7. Click the Blacklist (0) tab.
    1. Select the blacklist.
  8. Click Run Transcheck.

    The TransCheck Report opens with a report summary at the top, followed by a summary of the files in the report. An example is shown below.

    Figure 2. Project Transcheck Report