Adding TM Server TM

To add a remote Translation Memory from a TM Server:

  1. Open Wordfast Pro and select a project.
  2. Click Open Project.
  3. Click the Project TM tab and the Translation Memory dashboard opens.

    Figure 1. Project TM Dashboard

  4. Click Connect To Remote.

    The Connect To Remote dialog appears.

    Figure 2. Connect to Remote TM

  5. Click the TM Server tab.

    See the preceeding figure.

  6. Enter the required information in the fields as follows:
    • Unique name in the Symbolic Name field

    • Remote Translation Memory URL in the URL field following the example template shown in that field

    • Or, each of the individual remote Translation Memory properties


      The URL information is populated automatically and includes the user name, password, and workgroup ID when they are contained within the URL string.