Cleaning and Updating TMs

After files are translated, the translation project is ready for a clean up and an update to the Translation Memory files. File clean-up process requires manual initiation. Following this clean-up an automated process removes the source segments and restores the files to their original format.

To clean up and update the TM:

  1. Open Wordfast Pro and select Quick Tools from the Wordfast 4 drop-down menu.

    Figure 1. Wordfast Pro Drop-down

    Figure 2. Quick Tools Dashboard

  2. Click the Clean tab.

    The Clean dashboard opens up.

    Figure 3. Clean Tab

  3. Click CleanUp.

    The Report summary appears when the clean up process completes.

    Figure 4. CleanUp Report


    Up to 20 files can be cleaned up at a time using Wordfast Pro in Demo mode. To clean up more than 20 files a Wordfast Pro license is required.

  4. Optionally, select Update TM for updating files to a Translation Memory.
  5. Select the Translation Memory.

    At least one Translation Memory is needed before file clean up can be initiated. To add a local or remote Translation Memory, see Creating or Opening TMs for more information.