Using TM Lookup

Translation Memory lookup is available in two forms: is a process that executes a

  1. Concordance search for specific source segment text in the Translation Memory (TM). The results show hits in both source and target segments.

  2. Leverage lookup where the user clicks the TM Lookup tab and navigates between segments and the Terminology section.

To perform Translation Memory lookup:

  1. Enter a word or phrase in the TM Lookup text box as described below. Using the string:
    • Our customers searches segments ignoring case and includes matches containing any of the specified words

    • "Our Customers" the quotation marks are included; that is. only those segments that include that match quotes, case and spaces

  2. Select More Options to further restrict the search, check:
    • Case sensitive, to restrict the lookup by lower or upper case

    • Exact , to restrict the lookup to exact terms

    • Automatic Leverage , to activate leveraging on segment opening by mouse action

    • Diff Highlight, to highlight differences in the found strings

  3. Perform lookup by one of the following methods:
    • Click Find In Source or Find In Target

    • Or, select a word or phrase in the source segment and press F8

    The TM Lookup results appear. The results display the segment ID, Source, and Target segments, TM Name, Username and Date/Time of update to Translation Memory. The words or phrases that match the searched context are highlighted.An example is shown below.