Bilingual Export

Bilingual Export is used for translating outside of the application. The Bilingual export option allows you to export the TXLF file with highlighted glossary terms into a DOC format and edit using Microsoft Word.

To complete bilingual export of files:

  1. Select Quick Tools from the Wordfast 4 drop-down menu.
  2. Click the Bilingual Export tab.
  3. To add files, do one of the following:
    • Click Add File to browse and select a file from a folder. To add multiple files, press the Ctrl key and select the files.

    • Click Add Folder to browse and select a folder and add all files within.

    • Drag and drop files into the TXLF Files panel.

    The files appear in the TXLF Files panel.

  4. To add a glossary, do one of the following:
    • Click Add Local to browse and select a local glossary.

    • Click Connect To Remote to connect to a remote glossary.

    • Click Add Project Terminologies to select glossaries associated with projects.

    The glossaries appear in the Glossaries panel.

  5. Select the TXLF files and glossaries for bilingual export.
  6. Select the Bilingual Export Options.



    Export Type

    • Bilingual Review Export: creates a bilingual Word document

    • WFC Bilingual Export: creates a WF Classic compatible document

    • MS-Word Table: creates an Word document with the source and target in a two-column table

    Open report after export

    Automatically displays the Export Report after the Bilingual Export action

    Exclude the notes column

    Removes the Notes column from the exported Word document. When removed, the notes from the TXLF file are displayed in the Word document as Comments

    Track changes

    Selects track changes in the exported Word document

    Protect document (Word 2003+)

    Protects the Word document by allowing editing of content only in the available table space. This helps avoid any errors when the document is imported.

    Export all TXLF files as one bilingual file

    Exports all TXLF files that are being converted to bilingual Word documents

    Bilingual File Location

    Browse and select the folder to save the bilingual export documents

  7. Click Bilingual Export.

    The log appears. This log and the exported document in the chosen export type are saved in the selected folder.


    You must not edit the table format, merge or expand segments or add text outside of the target or notes column. Doing any of these actions could result in errors during bilingual import.

    A sample of the bilingual export is given below.