Transcheck During Translation

The Transcheck segments while translating option can be activated in Preferences to check for errors during the translation process. When you translate a segment and commit to the TM, a Transcheck warning will immediately pop up if there are any errors identified based on the configured Transcheck options.

To Transcheck while translating:

  1. Open a file to be checked.
  2. Translate a segment and click Next Segment or Alt-Down.

    If a Transcheck error is found in the segment a warning message appears.

    The Transcheck error explanation also appears in the Transcheck tab.

  3. Do one of the following:
    • Click Go back to fix the issue to correct the error

    • Click Continue to continue translating without changes

    If the error is not corrected, the Transcheck error icon remains in the Status column and the Transcheck tab.