
The Project Manager is responsible for cleaning up translated files and selecting the TM update options.

Cleanup processes bilingual TXLF files containing source and target. The bilingual files are converted into their original format in the target language. Refer to Working with Segments.

Optionally, the TM can be updated during cleanup.

As a final step, a report is generated indicating the number of segments processed, errors encountered, and TM update results.

To clean up and update the translation memory:

  1. Select Quick Tools from the Wordfast 4 drop-down menu.
  2. Click the Cleanup tab.
  3. To add files, do one of the following:
    • Click Add File to browse and select a file from a folder. To add multiple files, press the Ctrl key and select the files.

    • Click Add Folder to browse and select a folder and add all files within.

    • Drag and drop files into the TXLF Files panel.

    The files appear in the TXLF Files panel.

  4. Add and select the Translation Memory.

    At least one Translation Memory is needed before file clean up can be initiated (refer to Project TM). To add a local or remote Translation Memory, refer to Creating Local TMs for more information.

  5. (Optional) Select the TM Update Options:
    • Update Option: Select one of the TM update options

    • Add attribute: Select and enter an attribute to be added to the cleaned up segments

    • Add file name as an attribute: Select to add the TXLF file name as an attribute to the cleaned up segments

    • Write unedited fuzzy matches to the TM

    • Write unedited 100% matches to the TM

  6. (Optional) Select the Translation File Settings:
    • Create Translated Files: Select to generate final files in original format

    • Place translated files in TXLF location: Select to save the translated files in the same folder location as the TXLF files

    • Choose location for translated files: Select to browse and select a location for the translated files

    • Add language suffix for file name: Select to add the translation language code to the file name suffix

    • Cleanup Report: Select the report file format and browse and select the location to save it

  7. Click Clean Up.

    The CleanUp Report appears. The translated files and the report summary in the chosen format are saved in the selected location.