Opening and Translating Files

After a project is opened, the files that comprise the project are accessible from the Project Files tab. When the project has numerous files, the files can be chained together into one contiguous file. Refer to Chaining Files.

To open a file for translation:

  1. Go to the Projects tab (refer to Opening Projects).
  2. Select and open the project.
  3. Select the file to translate.
  4. Click Translate File.

    The source and the leveraged target content appear in the Translation tab.

  5. Select a Target segment and enter the translation.

    All tags in the Source segment should be either copied or entered manually into the Target segment.

  6. Click Next Segment or press Alt+Down to update the TM and move down one Target segment.
  7. Save your work often by pressing Ctrl+S or clicking Save on the File tab. Refer to Saving Files.