Enabling Machine Translation

Wordfast Pro includes an automated machine translation feature which populates translations whenever a file is open or when there are no translation memory segment matches.


To enable Machine Translation:

  1. Open Wordfast Pro and click Edit > Preferences > Translations > Machine Translation.
    The Machine Translation Preferences dialog box appears.


  2. Choose one of the following:

  3. Select check boxes if you wish to allow all unedited segments in active document to be leveraged with MT and to remove MT score from score column when segment is edited.

  4. Please read the disclaimer carefully.

  5. Click Apply.

  6. You can enable either Google Translate, Microsoft Translate and/or WorldLingo.

Google Translate

To enable Google Translate:

  1. Open Wordfast Pro and click Edit > Preferences > Translations > Machine Translation > Google Translate.
    The Google Translate Preferences dialog box appears.


  2. Select Enable Google Translator checkbox to populate preset translations.

  3. Enter the API key, which is mandatory to use Google Translate. Click on the You can also look at the video How to obtain a Google Translate API key for more information.

  4. Select Use Google Translator as primary checkbox to give Google MT preference over other Machine Translation service.

  5. Click Test to test the service.

  6. Click Apply to save the selection and OK if you wish to close the Preferences dialog box.

Microsoft Translate

To enable Microsoft Translate:

  1. Open Wordfast Pro and click Edit > Preferences > Translations > Machine Translation > Microsoft Translate.
    The Microsoft Translate Preferences dialog box appears.


  2. Select Enable Microsoft Translator checkbox to populate preset translations.

  3. Enter the Client Id and Client Secret, which are mandatory to use Microsoft Translate. Click on the Click here to obtain Microsoft Translator Client Secret for more information.

  4. Select Use Microsoft Translator as primary checkbox to give Microsoft MT preference over other Machine Translation service.

  5. Click Test, to test the service.

  6. Click Apply to save the selection and OK if you wish to close the Preferences dialog box.


To enable WorldLingo:

  1. Open Wordfast Pro and click Edit > Preferences > Translations > Machine Translation > WorldLingo.
    The WorldLingo Preferences dialog box appears.


  2. Select Enable WorldLingo checkbox, to populate preset translations.

  3. Select Use WorldLingo as primary checkbox to give WorldLingo preference over other Machine Translation service.
    : WorldLingo MT is limited to the following languages:

  4. Click Test, to test the service.

  5. Click Apply to save the selection and OK if you wish to close the Preferences dialog box.

Using machine translation

To use machine translation:

  1. In the TXML Editor, open a file for translation.

  2. Click or press Alt+-, click or press Alt+Down or click or press Alt+Up.
    The machine translation will appear in the TM Lookup window.

  3. To populate the machine translation in the target segment, click or right-click in the target segment and click Machine Translation. Find below and example screenshot of a machine translated file.

    : Machine translated content is highlighted in orange by default and marked as MT in the Score column. If required, the default color code can be modified. Refer to Defining color codes.